Sessions and Venue
Saturday 9.10am - 9.50am
Mini Footballing Superstars
(2 years - 3 ½ years)
At the youngest group we focus on working with other children, communication, following instructions, listening as well as the basic football skills.
Sessions cost £30 a month (£7.50 a session)

Saturday 10.00am - 10.40am
Little Footballing Superstars
(3 ½ years - 5 years)
At the second youngest age group, the children start to combine their communication and social skills with more adventure activities and drills. They learn the importance of making the right skill selection as well as solving simple problems.
Sessions cost £30 a month (£7.50 a session)

Saturday 10.50am - 11.30am
Junior Footballing Superstars
(5 years - 8 years old)
We work with children to develop skills to prepare them for their footballing futures including dribbling for control, making the right shot selection, goal keeping skills and passing. They continue to develop essential social skills that they can carry forward in life.
A continued massive emphasis on FUN!
Sessions cost £30 a month (£7.50 a session)

Kings Sports Centre is located at 601 Maidstone Road, Rochester ME1 3QJ.
There is Free parking but you must type on your cars registration number on the computer at the reception desk when you enter the building.